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How to Play Links Golf Courses

"At Last, The Secrets Of The Links Golf Courses Are Uncovered To Help You Improve Every Aspect Of Your Game!"
Links golf courses are notoriously difficult to play. That's why the British Open is one of the hardest competitions in Golf. Learning the secrets that the top professional need to play these courses will help you understand and improve on every aspect of your game - and ultimately help you beat your golfing partners with astonishing ease!!
Important: If you're not interested in learning the 7 most important shot techniques that will enable you to play golf like the pros then stop reading now!

Dear Golfer,

Imagine standing on the 1st tee, the wind howling towards you, the narrow green is only 150 yards away and is surrounded by deep bunkers. Your friend has just hit his shot 60 yards short as he has misjudged the strength of the wind. You pull out your chosen club, confident that you know the exact shot to play, you hit the ball low under the wind and land 12 feet from the pin. You turn around and the look on your mates' faces is a picture!! They can't believe it…where did you pull that shot from?

You continue the round, hitting fairway, after fairway, you hit every green in regulation and end up with one of the best scorecards you have ever had, while all your mates struggle like crazy! In the bar your mates are all cursing the wind, the rough, the greens, everything but themselves, you on the other hand are sitting content with the biggest grin on your face, satisfied because you've just played another perfect round of golf.

Sound exciting? Does this sound like the golf you would like to play?
Don't let this happen to you…
If you have ever played golf in anything more than perfect conditions you will know the huge impact that the weather and course conditions can affect your game. This is especially exaggerated on links golf courses. Golfers travel from all over the world to play the links courses only to become downhearted and frustrated as they are losing balls left, right and centre. The wind playing havoc with their normally sound shots, the bunkers not being rewarding or forgiving like they are used to…
Master these simple techniques and reap the rewards…

Arm yourself with these simple shots and learn how to make a sound game plan and you REALLY can shoot lower scores. There are so many important factors that you need to consider and up till now no one has compiled an instructional manual to teach you these essential skills.

What I'm about to teach you will completely transform your game. You will gain the knowledge and the exact techniques used by all tour professionals as well as the techniques I use to this very day to prepare myself for the links courses!!

Why am I qualified to teach this? I have been lucky enough to make golf my living. I have been a PGA professional for over 14 years and was even luckier to have my grandparents live right on the doorstep of some of the most beautiful links courses in the world! I have perfected my game on the links courses and taught hundreds of people to play and think the correct way. The result – they are now shooting lower scores and actually enjoying these magnificent courses.

IMAGINE that, not only shooting lower scores but actually having a stress free round, a chance to take in the spectacular scenery and the added bonus that you will be strokes ahead of your mates.

"The Disappearing Slice"
"Links golfing is by its' very nature tricky, before I thought the only way to tame those beastly links courses was to practise, practise, practise, until I found your Links Golfing Ebook. Now without even leaving my house I can find out where I’m going wrong, and commit it to memory before I take to the course again. My slice off the Tee has disappeared, I’m hitting more fairways, and less bunkers, and I’ve nearly halved my average number of putts per round ­ now that’s progress!"
Chris Jordan
Links Golfer - East Yorkshire
What will you learn?
This book is absolutely jam packed with information, pictures, hints and tips. I have tried to pour out the most fundamental principles that I have learnt over the years and all the instruction that I give is based from my own experience. By passing this knowledge onto you I hope that you will get as much enjoyment out of links courses as I have.

The one most common mistake all new links players make…

Every time I play a round with an inexperienced links golfer, they make this same mistake over and over again! I'll explain what this fundamental mistake is, why novices make it and most importantly the secret to overcome it, so you never fall into the same trap as 99% of new links players.

The game really is won around the green…

You've heard it before…a game of golf really is won around the green but almost all players spend no time at all practising the shots needed from within 100 yards. Not only are these shots important to the game they also increase your confidence for the rest of the round. There is no better feeling than a ball landing just feet away from the hole!!

You will learn the one shot that can dramatically drop your scores in and around the greens. This little gem is one of my favourite shots and once you learn it I guarantee it will become one of your favourites too!

Nobody likes bunker shots…

Every golfer I know dreads a bunker shot, whether it be a fairway bunker or a deep greenside bunker no golfer is safe. Remember Thomas Bjorn at the 2004 British Open in Sandwich, Kent?

He was 3 shots ahead from the rest of the field with only 1 hole to play. He had a perfect drive, his second shot landed on the green…then almost mysteriously drifted into a deep bunker!! It took him three shots just to get out and no doubt cost him the title to Ben Curtis. Even the pros end up in bunkers, so the only advice I can give is to learn the correct way to play out so that you'll always be prepared!!

"New Found Confidence"
Wow, what an investment! Before I bought this ebook, unless I drove onto the fairway I could pretty much kiss goodbye to any chance of making a decent score on that hole. Once I'd taken on board the information contained in the ebook, my game improved vastly, I used to play maybe once or twice a month, as my mistakes where taking the enjoyment out of the game, now I play every weekend with a new found confidence in my ability, and a knowledge that driving off the fairway into the rough, or into a bunker now holds no fear for me
Matthew Davies
Raleigh, North Carolina

Planning is everything…

There is one thing that all top professionals have in common…they all think like golfers. Most casual golfers have not yet learnt the importance of course management. This is of utmost importance on the links course where thinking about your game play can drastically reduce your scores. I'll teach you the same principles used by top pros to help them plan their way around the golf course. I give you the most important questions to ask yourself before any game that will prepare you mentally before you even hit your first ball.

I'll show you step by step the same preparation that I have used throughout my entire golfing career. You can use these exact steps so that you feel alive on the course and ready to tackle the most challenging conditions.

Discover why you really need to get on the practice putting green 15 minutes before teeing off. You will be surprised at how many golfers do not even go near the practice greens before a round…they are put there for a reason…use them to your advantage.

Learn some of the differences between putting on links courses and what you will need to observe in order to sink more putts.

Make the wind your friend…not foe!

The most obvious difference between normal courses and links courses is the prevailing winds. This can absolutely destroy your game if you do not know these little secrets. You will learn how and when to hit your shots into and under the wind.

You will discover how to utilise the wind as a help rather than a hindrance! By shaping your shots you will actually be able to use the wind to your advantage and gain those extra yards you've always dreamed of.

The most important factor is to learn to judge wind speed. I will teach you the techniques to use so that you can gauge the wind like the professionals.

Are all your friends hitting the ball further than you?

Well, by learning the draw shot you can gain anywhere between 10% and 30% more distance. That will really help you out on the longer par 5's whilst impressing your mates with your mammoth drives.

Have you ever hit a ball so sweetly that you felt like a pro, only to find that the distance was less than desired? I'm betting the wind had a massive impact here and you must understand that hitting your normal shot in these conditions is really doing you more harm than good. Imagine on a windy par 5 you use the technique I teach you to hit the golf ball under the wind AND still maintain your distance…that would be good wouldn't it?

Not only am I going to teach you this little trick but I'm also going to show you the reverse. You'll soon discover how you can gain the correct ball flight and gain those extra yards all by knowing when and how to use the wind!

"The Greatest Secret in Improving Your Game"
Hey Richard, I'd just like to say thanks for putting this informative and visual guide to playing links courses. I had become so frustrated in my attempts to play the links courses on my trips to the UK, since the conditions are completely different from the ones I'm used to playing on my local courses. Your tips and techniques showing how to control the ball in these conditions are a must for any golfer if they wish to improve their bottom line scores.

Your section on course management really opened my eyes as to how important this area of the game is - it was surprising and funny as I was making the exact same mistakes that you illustrated with your character Bob.
Geoff Randell
Virginia - US

Do you slice the ball?

It's a phenomenal fact but an amazing 8 out of 10 golfers have a natural slice. Why is this? I'll teach you the technical reasons why this is and most importantly how you can over come it and learn to control your shots rather than having to adjust your game.  

Shaping shots is really what separates the casual golfer from the professional but most casual golfers are afraid and overwhelmed when it comes to actually pulling these kinds of shots off. Don't be afraid, I'll walk you through each element of the swing for each shot and give you pointers that you can easily'll be shaping your shots in no time!!

What clubs are you carrying?

I bet you never even thought that your equipment would have such an effect on your ability to play links golf? I bet you didn't even realise that there are some optimal club selections depending on your handicap?!!

I give you examples that you can use to make sure that you are best equipped when you step onto the links courses. I'll teach you the correct club combinations for your handicap and give you some suggestions on what clubs to include in your bag.

Do you know what balls you should be using?

I give you the low down on the other equipment you will need when playing links golf. Although most of these tips are fairly obvious to the seasoned links golfer you would be surprised at the lack of some essentials that most golfers are missing!!

When the Rough gets going...

The rough on links courses can vary tremendously, and it can be a real nightmare should your ball drift into this unknown and mysterious territory. I'll teach you when you should and when you should NOT attempt to play out of the rough. After reading this section you'll understand how you should treat these kind of shots and I'll teach you the correct way to stop your club twisting and getting caught up in the deep rough.

The weather also plays an important role in the making or breaking of someone on the links courses. The weather can change dramatically from hole to hole and if you're not prepared you and your game will suffer. I have provided a brief chapter on the essential clothing that I would strongly recommend you take with you when you play any links golf course.

Fresh insight into course management…

I have always followed the same rule that to see once is better than to hear 100 times and so I have developed some real world examples on improving your course management. This really is where you can outshine your friends and become a master of the links!!

Follow our trusty companion, Bob, through the first couple of holes on a typical links course. Understand Bob's thinking on how he should play the hole (which I can guarantee will relate to most of you!) …learn the mistakes that Bob is making and how he could easily be shooting lower scores just by following a few simple principles.

"Links Golf Virgin"
My local Golf Pro recommended your book to me as I had not played links courses before. How glad I am that I purchased your book! I went on vacation with 5 of my friends from work...We played 5 courses over the course of the holiday...guess who won every course? Me. I could not have survived without 4 of the shots you teach...I think I used at least one of the shots on almost every hole.

Thanks for making the holiday so enjoyable...can't wait to visit England again - John
John Hargreaves
Topsham, Maine

What you will receive...

When you order today, you will receive a professionally created electronic book that is broken down into 10 chapters. Each chapter gently introduces you to the subject, and then walks you though, in depth, with full visual aids and notes including the correct wrist positions, the correct hip and shoulder movements, for every shot.

After reading and learning my comprehensive lessons you WILL be able to shape your shots like the pros. Each step contains easy to follow instructions and detailed pictures indicating the set up, the backswing, the downswing and the follow through. After each section I have included a checklist of the most important points to remember.

From my experience golfers make the same mistakes over and over again when trying to master these shots. Therefore I have provided instant fixes to the most common faults, meaning you can adjust and try again whilst you're on the practice range. It really is quite simple once you understand the fundamentals!!

Once you have played one course…

After you have played on a links golf course I can guarantee that you will enjoy it so much that you won't be able to wait to play another...who wouldn't if they knew what you are about to learn?!! To save you some research I have provided you with a list of my top 10 favourite links golf courses in The British Isles. I have supplied all the details you'll need to find out more information and provided you with the contact details you'll need to make a reservation.

If you are feeling adventurous I have jotted down my favourite 7 day golf tour, which includes a game of golf at a different course everyday. I have played this tour many times and have had so much positive feedback from other customers that I can personally recommend it.

FREE Bonuses if you order by
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024

The original price is $57.00 but if you order today you can get it for a fraction of that!!
In return for this all I ask is that once you have read the book you send me a quick email telling me how my book and the seven deadly shots have helped your game…that's its, simply send the email and tell me your experience and the links courses you played and you really can get this book at this amazing price!

I know that this sounds too good to be true and to make the decision real easy for you I have thrown in these amazing bonuses if you act right away!!

Free Bonus #1 Ultimate Stretching
Stretching can add yards to your shots because it gets your muscles warm and ready for the task ahead. Follow this simple programme before every round and you're guaranteed to play better golf!

Free Bonus #3 Six Hidden Courses
Ask any seasoned golfer and they would be happy to share their favourite courses. I have provided you with a list of courses that are not as well known but still provide the same excitement and challenge as any of the major courses!

Still not convinced this book is for you? Here are some more testimonials from other people that have read the book.

I think from a playing professional point of view the section in the book that most amateurs would benefit from are the chapters on hitting the ball high & low as well as being to control the ball when trying to draw or fade. The book has many different angles to help the modern golfer not just links golfers.
Gary Laird, PGA Teaching & Playing Professional
Richard asked me to have a look at his links book which in my opinion is a great read. It highlights the different areas when playing a links golf course. I particularly found the course management section very helpful. Even after all these years of playing golf I still didn’t realise that I needed a particular strategy to achieve the best result. So even at my age you can still have something to learn!
Peter Huntley, 85 years old 18 handicap Amateur with over 60 years experience playing links golf
I have known Richard for over 10 years and his teaching skills are second to none. This book is just another addition to his teaching repertoire and is guaranteed to help golfers of all ages and abilities to improve their golf game.
Martin Heys, Fellow of the PGA
This book is aimed at people with a keen interest in links golf. With my own background in links golf I found this book to be both interesting and informative.
John Kennedy, Head Professional Wexham Park Golf Club

Yes Richard, I really can't wait to order this book and start learning these techniques right away. I promise that I will send you an email telling you about my links experience and how I absolutely thrashed my mates on the course!

100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
I am so confident that you will get so much benefit from this book that the FREE bonuses are yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide not to keep it. Simple… get your copy now, and if for any reason you decide that the book is not for you, what the hell, even if you don't like the colours just contact me within 30 days and I will refund your money straight away without any questions or fuss!

Now only :


Immediate Delivery via instant download!

I know from my years of experience that anyone can learn these techniques and that playing the links golf courses is one of the most enjoyable pastimes…especially once you uncover the secrets that I'm about to share with you....order your copy today, receive the FREE bonuses and start learning to play like a professional golfer.

Happy Golfing,

Richard Hodgson
P.S. Remember this book contains tons of detailed pictures showing you everything you'll need to know. Order your copy now and not only will you be able to play the links golf courses more effectively, you'll also learn some of the most advanced shot techniques that will benefit your entire game.

P.P.S. If you love golf as much as I do then I really do recommend you get this book, I know everyone says its the taking part that counts but it's always nice knowing that every time you step onto the course you are so much more prepared than all your friends and how frustrated they get when you beat them every time!!
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